Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Checklist of problems I've ran into with developing my Project

Hopefully later I will fill in how I fixed these issues. For now this is a mental checklist for myself
  • Cloning a XAML element
    • XAMLWriter does not exist in 2.0, so do manually.
    • Reflection is an option perhaps, but very slow.
  • Problems with XAMLReader in 2.0
    • With 2.0 must now always include a namespace.
    • Wrapped my XAML elements in a Canvas containing namespace so that XAMLReader can properly load an element... and then remove the wrapping Canvas.
  • Exception of type 'System.ArgumentException'. Additional information: Value does not fall within the expected range.
    • Usually found when trying to add a child to an element/Collection?
    • If child already has a parent.
    • If name of object already exists in the DOM.
  • Httprequests in Silverlight
  • Reading/Writing files [XAML] from the server [using PHP]
    • Must give correct permissions to the folder you want to read/write to. In windows, I needed to give read/write access to the "Internet Guest Account" user.
  • Using multiple user controls in one Silverlight app.
    • For example if I have a separate ColorPicker I want to use... and it is it's own User Control, how can I incorporate it into my project and get access to the properties I need from it [namely hex color].

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