This, however, did not seem to work for me. When I added a new point directly into the Points collection, I saw no change in the actual UI indicating that the point had been added.
Polyline myLine = new Polyline();Not until I removed the element and then re-added it to the parent again could I actually see the new point.
// Setup visual look of polyline.
I didn't want to have to remove and re-add to the DOM each time, but I found that I could force the UI to update if I actually changed and then reassigned the PointCollection of the Polyline.
PointCollection ptColl = myLine.Points;Something about this just doesn't seem right, but maybe I am misunderstanding something key. I am uncertain if this is a bug in beta 2, however, this was my work around for the issue.
myLine.SetValue(Polyline.PointsProperty, ptColl);